Baby’s sex linked to pregnant women's immune responses, study shows | Sana Pharma
Baby’s sex linked to pregnant women's immune responses, study shows
Home » Healthy News » Baby’s sex linked to pregnant women's immune responses, study shows
Monday, February 13, 2017

Studies suggest that a baby's sex could play a role in differences with morning sickness, cravings and other symptoms which pregnant women complain based on the sex of their baby

Now evidence shows the sex of a baby is associated with pregnant women's immune responses, 80 pregnant women followed during their pregnancy and examined for their immune markers (cytokines)and their link to their fetal sex, The results shows that the immune cells of women carrying female fetuses produced more pro-inflammatory cytokines when exposed to bacteria. This means that women carrying female fetuses exhibited higher inflammatory response when their immune system was challenged, compared to women carrying male fetuse

This research helps women and their obstetricians recognize that fetal sex is one factor that may impact how a woman’s body responds to everyday immune challenges and can lead to further research into how differences in immune function may affect how a women responds to different viruses, infections or chronic health conditions such as asthma